Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday night Fixed Gear Ride

Hey yall, lets start Thursday night fixed gear rides. Here's why:
1. The
cruiser ride sucks/You're over it
2. The cruiser ride is for cruisers (going slow)
3. The people on the cruiser rides are either a. elitist middle aged people or b. underage kids on dept. store mountain bikes
Loops is fun but its a pain in the ass to go to Denver all the time
5. We can do whatever we want depending on who's there, meaning we can bomb hills if we want, stop to stunt, drink beers, socialize, we can cruise the creek path, loop downtown, whatever. If we post the route online before the ride people can meet up with us whenever.
6. We can have our own after-parties wherever we want.
7. More of a "fixed gear community" will emerge?

Comment if you're down.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything peter has said. Lets get this party started. So tomorrow night lets all meet at Cafe Roma, gives us prime access to coffee and liquor. If we need to buy alot more beer we can goto liquor mart.

OK UPDATE 8pm at the buffalo


veganboyjosh said...

hey peter,

email me. i got something to ask you and don't have your email address.

word to your mother.


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