Wednesday, March 11, 2009

BAC \\v3.3(April) _ \\v4.1(May) _ \\v4.2(June)


Big news for BAC ! Thanks to Josh from community cycles, the june race (\\v4.2) will be officially part of the Boulder Walk and Bike month 2009 !

The event will be a scavenger hunt. Expect it to be a mix of taking pictures and finding physical objects. The format will become more specific as time goes on.

Im going to create a post solely for the scavenger hunt so if you have ideas, post your comments there. This will be linked to the official events page @ community cycles.

BAC \\v3.3 (April 19th)

The april race is gonna be a relay race. Its not gonna just be race from point a to point b. Each leg of the race is gonna be different.

_ \\v4.1(May 17th)

For the month of May im not quite sure what the format will be but so far im thinking a [sMs] Team race. [sMs] is great for obvious reasons, and teams help to level the playing field so people have to work together, and each member in a team can contribute in a different way.

_ \\v4.2(June 21st)

June is gonna be the Walk Bike month Scavenger hunt, mentioned at the top of the post.

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